Monday 1 July 2019

Thinking of a Road Trip? How About a Drive Around the Coast of Nova Scotia?

Thinking of a Road Trip? How About a Drive Around the Coast of Nova Scotia?

Nova Scotia is one of Canada’s smaller provinces, but it is extremely varied and interesting, nonetheless. It features highlands and mountains reminiscent of Scotland in the north, vast tidal flats in the west, and pleasant uplands on the eastern and southern shores. Most of the coastal areas are connected by roads of varying sizes that never wander far from the shore, so a circumnavigation of the province by automobile offers constantly changing (and spectacular) vistas of land and sea. The Cabot Trail on Cape Breton Island is widely recognized as one of the most scenic drives in Canada and in North America in general.

The city of Halifax is a modern cosmopolitan region, but maintains its heritage as one of the most historically important areas on the Eastern seaboard of North America. It is the largest city in Atlantic Canada, but still has a laid-back feel to it and a pace that makes it an interesting, yet un-stressful place to visit.
This account focuses on a two-week road trip which circumnavigated the province, beginning in Halifax, going through to Cape Breton via Canso, on to the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton, then back via the Bay of Fundy, the South Shore and on to Halifax.

The book is about 10,000 words, about an hour at typical reading speeds and sells for the awesome price of just 99 cents.

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