Tuesday 27 December 2022

Book Reviw: The Fiat Standard: The Debt Slavery Alternative to Human Civilization

This had a lot of useful information about how Bitcoin works, also a lot about the current financial system workings (fiat) and the previous system (gold standard). It cleared up some things for me (I hope so , anyway :)) , as it was done in a readable style (many similar books are quite a slog). 

The first and third sections were especially interesting, from that point of view. The middle section dealt with how the current fiat system opened up the potential for a lot of mistaken policies, from the writer's point of view. So, that was more conjectural and open to debate, in my opinion. That's ok, I don't read books and expect to agree with everything the author writes. Nobody should.

It did motivate me to buy his earlier book, which is focused directly on bitcoin itself, while this one was more of a "contrast and compare" about the various monetary paradigms that have been used over time, especially the last few centuries.

P.S.  I am neither pro nor anti Bitcoin, I just like to attempt to understand these developments, from intellectual curiosity, if nothing else.

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