Thursday 6 June 2024

Oilers vs Panthers 2024 - True Odds Calculation

 Oilers vs Panthers 2024 - True Odds Calculation

Ok, so, arguably, the title of the blog is a bit of click-bait.  The 'true odds' of any situation is too complicated for mere mortals to determine.  However, this is a head-to-head comparison of 20 (or 23) statistical categories, that should correlate with success in hockey.

The columns show the scores for each team, in the categories, over the 2023-24 regular season.  The weighing factors come from a long time-trend of Stanley Cup playoffs for each category.  They show the win percentage for each category, over this period, for the team with a better score in that category.  Note that these win percentages are on a game-by-game basis for all playoff levels.  

So, for example, home teams won 54% of games over the visitor.  Similarly, the higher ranked team in the regular season won 55% of playoff games over the lower ranked team.  The team with the higher goals per game in the regular season won 54% of their playoff games.  And so on, for all the rest of the categories.  The final three categories are ratios, based on some of the variables listed above them.  One could argue that doing this just repeats information already in the comparisons.  Or one could argue that the ratios actually do give additional insight into the situation.  So, I gave both alternatives.  A fully worked-out multivariate analysis would shed light on the matter, but that is for another time and blog.

Seq Category Name Edm Oilers FLA Panthers Weight (Win%) Pct Edge Edge Winner
1 Home Games vs Visitor 3 4 0.54 0.04 FLA
2 Rank (points) 104 110 0.55 0.05 FLA
3 Goals For per Game 3.56 3.23 0.54 0.04 EDM
4 Goals Against per Game 2.88 2.41 0.54 0.04 FLA
5 Power Play (PP) Goals For 64 63 0.53 0.03 EDM
6 PP Opportunities For 243 268 0.51 0.01 FLA
7 PP Success Pct 0.2634 0.2351 0.51 0.01 EDM
8 PP Against 53 51 0.53 0.03 FLA
9 PP Opp Against 258 291 0.49 -0.01 EDM
10 Penalty Kill 0.7946 0.8247 0.52 0.02 FLA
11 SH Goals For 7 8 0.51 0.01 FLA
12 SH Goals Against 5 9 0.49 -0.01 EDM
13 Pen Min Against Team/Game 9.5 13.6 0.51 0.01 EDM
14 Pen Min Against Opp/Game 8.5 13.5 0.51 0.01 FLA
15 Shots on Goal (Team) 2768 2764 0.53 0.03 EDM
16 Shot Pct (Goals Scored) 0.105 0.096 0.51 0.01 EDM
17 Shots on Goal (Opponent) 2569 2496 0.48 -0.02 EDM
18 Total Saves 2307 2279 0.48 -0.02 FLA
19 Save Pct (Goals Prevented) 0.898 0.913 0.53 0.03 FLA
20 Avg Age 29.4 29.5 0.53 0.03 EDM

21 Shots Ratio: Team/Opp 1.08 1.11 0.53 0.03 FLA
22 Goals Ratio: For Against 1.24 1.34 0.54 0.04 FLA
23 Ratio: PP/(1-PK) 1.28 1.34 0.52 0.02 FLA


Next are some relatively simple prediction models, based on the above data.

Model 1 - Simple Category Winner Models

The method below totals the number of categories won outright by each team and determines overall win probabilities based on those totals.  With the 20 variables, each team wins 10 categories, resulting in an even chance of winning for each of the teams.  Using the 23 categories (i.e. including the ratios), Florida Panthers win 13 categories compared to the Edmonton Oilers 10, for a 56 to 43 advantage.  So, the 20 variable method results in the series being a toss-up, while the 23 variable model shows the Panthers to be approximately a  2 to 3 favorite (using racetrack tote board figuring).  The last rows show the payoff needed on a 10 dollar bet, in order to even the odds.  Of course, this doesn't include the government (or bookie, same thing) take-out.  So, I wouldn't bet the Oilers as a favorite, but as a moderate underdog, they seem like a good bet.  But you shouldn't gamble, this is just for fun.

Model 1 (20 Var) Model 2 (23 Var)
Using Category Wins EDM FLA EDM FLA
Category Wins by Team 10 10 10 13
Probabilities 50% 50% 43.5% 56.5%
Odds 1.00 1.00 0.77 1.30
Racetrack Odds (X to Y) 1 to 1 1 to 1 13 to 8 8 to 13
Payoff needed on a $10 Bet 10.00 10.00 13.00 7.69
Payoff including initial bet 20.00 20.00 23.00 17.69

 Model 2 - Using Weighted Scores for Categories

The next model uses the weightings in the data, which are based on win percentages for the better team in each category.   This method totals the weighted scores of categories for each team and determines overall win probabilities from those totals.  Both the 20 variable and 23 variable models show the series to be very evenly matched, with a slight advantage to Florida.  Since the edge in each category is slight, they generally offset each other.  Again, the Oilers seem like a good bet if they are underdogs, even if only slight underdogs.  Again, however the government will take a large bite, so finding good odds will be difficult, to say the least.

Method 1 Model 1 (20 Var) Model 2 (23 Var)
Using Weighted Points EDM FLA EDM FLA
Category Wins by Team 9.9 10.1 11.315 11.685
Probabilities 49.5% 50.5% 49.2% 50.8%
Odds 0.98 1.02 0.97 1.03
Racetrack Odds (X to Y) 98 to 102 102 to 98 97 to 103 103 to 97
Payoff on a $10 Bet 10.20 9.80 10.33 9.68
Payoff including initial bet 20.20 19.80 20.33 19.68


Model 3 - Using Weighted Scores for Categories but Giving all Weighted Points to the Category Winner

This model is a compromise between the other two.  It also uses the weighted scores, but gives 0 points to the team with the inferior score in that category.  The results are very similar to the first model, though evening up the predictions very slightly.

Method 2 Method 2 (20 Var) Method 2 (23 Var)
Using Weighted Points EDM FLA EDM FLA
Category Wins by Team 5.12 5.22 5.12 6.805
Probabilities 49.5% 50.5% 42.9% 57.1%
Odds 0.98 1.02 0.75 1.33
Racetrack Odds (X to Y) 97 to 103 103 to 97 3 to 2 2 to 3
Payoff on a $10 Bet 10.20 9.81 13.29 7.52
Payoff including initial bet 20.20 19.81 23.29 17.52

 So, my conclusion based on these admittedly simplistic methods, is that the series should be very close, probably 7 games.  Florida has an edge, but Edmonton is only behind by a bit.  So, if you see good odds for the Oilers, they would be a good bet, but don't bet, this is just for laughs.  Conversely, if you see Florida being the underdog, go for that.  But don't really, because gambling is bad.

And here's a picture of the Stanley Cup.



So now you should read a short story to find out just how bad gambling is.  It is only 99 cents, and will be a good investment if it convinces you not to bet on horses or hockey games.   :)

A Dark Horse

In “A Dark Horse”, a gambler’s desire to hit a big win seems to lead him to make a Faustian bargain with a supernatural evil.  Or is it all just a string of unnaturally good luck?

The story is just $0.99 U.S. (equivalent in other currencies) and about 8000 words. It is also available on Kindle Unlimited and is occasionally on free promotion.


















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