Thursday 12 September 2024

A Precognitive Dream?

Posted just because a lot of people find this sort of thing interesting (obviously I am among that group)

A Precognitive Dream?

Sept 2024:

On night of Sept 7-8, I dreamt about going out to my car (a rental from a car share) and seeing that the driver’s door was dented. I mentioned to my companion (friend or son, not sure which):

“I didn’t do this, I don’t know how it happened.”

Then I noticed a brick on the ground and surmised that the dent was caused by the brick.

“Now who would do this for no good reason?”

The next morning, I went out to the car that I actually was renting from a car share, for the day. I noticed some bird splatter on the driver’s door, and remembered the dream. Interesting, I thought, but not exactly dispositive of precognitive dreaming.

Later that morning, after my son and I finished a shopping trip to a local farmer’s market, I was hit by a truck as I attempted to leave the parking lot. It was a very low-speed incident, caused when he backed up to leave his parking spot and hit me. It caused a dent in the door, at about the same spot as the dream. However, it was the passenger door rather than the driver’s door.

I should note that I can’t recall dreaming of car accidents before this, so it is not a common theme or anything like that. Plus, previous to that I had only been in two car accidents, both of which were many years in the past.

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