Monday, 29 September 2014
Kati of Terra Book 3, Showdown on the Planet of the Slavers now in print form on Amazon
Kati 3 is now available in print, from Amazon. All the Kati of Terra books can now be purchased in ebook or print form. They are also on Amazon's price matching offer, where you get the ebook for 99 cents if you buy the paper book. The paper books are about sixteen dollars (it can vary with Amazon promotions, exchange rates, and so on).
Friday, 26 September 2014
Astrophysics Corner, Part 12 – Cats in Space
I don’t know about anyone else, but I
can’t think of the phrase “Cats in Space” without hearing the lead-in to the
old “Pigs in Space” skits from the Muppet Show.
But, no matter. Since we recently did a literary blog about
Cats in Science Fiction, it seems appropriate to do an astrophysics blog about Cats
in Space, or at least cat images and symbols in astronomy. There actually have been cats in space, which
we will get to later. But first, let’s
look at astronomical features named after cats, beginning with some
This is one of the really great
constellations for urban star-gazers. It
has many bright stars and actually looks something like the thing that it is
named after – i.e. a lion. That would be
the Nemean Lion that Hercules slew, as one of his twelve labours. This cat took helpless maidens to his cave,
to lure warriors to their deaths, in their efforts to free the women. It was impervious to weaponry, so Hercules
killed it with his bare hands. Zeus then
put the lion in the sky to commemorate
the deed, so we can enjoy Leo to this day.
Or so the story goes.
From my part of the world, Leo is best
seen in the early spring evening sky, looking south, a little above the plane
of the ecliptic. Clearly that will vary
with latitude, though. It’s not too hard
to envision it as a lion, or at least some kind of animal, as the constellation
map shows.
It has many bright stars, notably
Regulus (think of it as the lion’s right foot)
and Denobela (the end of the tail).
There are also some nice double stars, that can be split in smaller
telescopes. Gamma Leonis is a favorite
of amateur astronomers. It also contains
the small M-Class star, Wolf 359, famous in Star Trek history for the location
of a decisive battle with the Borg.
Leo also has several notable deep sky
objects, especially the galaxies M65, M66, M105 and M96 (those are known as
Messier numbers). Though they are quite
bright deep sky objects, I haven’t had a lot of luck finding them from my city
back yard. But they are pretty easy in a
reasonably dark sky.
The meteor shower known as the Leonids
occurs in November, and appears to come from that part of the sky. That shower can be pretty remarkable. I recall seeing some amazing meteors in the
early 2000s, including some that broke up in the atmosphere with a spectacular
fireball effect.
Note that since Leo is near the plane
of the ecliptic, the planets sometimes pass through it, which can be useful for
orienting observations.
Leo (Minor)
This one’s kind of a dud really. It is quite small, and its stars are all
rather faint. Even in a dark sky, it’s
pretty tough to make it out (it’s above Leo, if you can recognize it). It has some interesting galaxies, but you
need a dark sky and a good telescope to make them out. There is no interesting mythology associated
with Leo Minor, as it wasn’t designated until the late 1600s.
This is another very faint
constellation in the northern sky, without much to note about it. Supposedly, it was designated Lynx because
you need the eyesight of a cat to see it.
It does have an interesting globular cluster (NGC 2419), which is high
above the galactic plane. It is supposed
to be findable in a reasonably dark sky with a medium sized telescope.
Cat’s Eye Nebula
This is a classic planetary nebular,
and a very beautiful one, as you can see from the Hubble photo. The term planetary is a misnomer, given early
in the history of telescope observations, as they look something like planets
through a small telescope.It is located in the constellation Draco, high in the northern sky. In fact, it is very close to the north ecliptic pole, similar to how Polaris is close to the North Equatorial Pole. In other words, it is 90 degrees above the sun’s position.
The concentric rings are actually
bubbles of dust, produced by a central star that has ejected some of its
matter, late in its life. The colours
depend on the type of matter that is in each ring and some of the other
structural features are probably related to magnetic fields.
The sun might look something like this in
several billion years, as stars in that mass range are thought to go through
this stage.
The important thing here, is that it
does look rather like a cat’s eye.
Cat’s Paw Nebula
This is another spectacular nebula, in
Scorpio. It is obvious why it is called
the Cat’s Paw from the picture. In this
case, the nebula is an emission nebula, similar to the Orion nebula. Rather than being an artifact of a star near
the end of its life, it is in fact the birthplace of new stars. In fact, it is an extremely prolific
birthplace, and may well be said to be having kittens.
Mars (face, cat, mouse)
A fair bit of cat lore has accreted
around the planet Mars since the space age began, and we started sending probes
there. Perhaps the most famous of these
is the so-called Face on Mars, in the Cydonia region. Many observers have claimed that it has a
leonine (lion-like) appearance. Several
books have been written on the subject, claiming that it is not a natural
object. There have also been proposals
that it has a link to the Sphinx, in Egypt, which also has a lion-like
appearance (a hybrid lion body and human head).
Those who wish to read more about
this might start with the wiki page:
Also worth noting is the so-called cat
on Mars, though I don’t believe any books have been written about it. It falls into that category we looked at
earlier (pareidolia), whereby humans have a tendency to see familiar figures in
random configurations of shapes.
And since a Martian Cat obviously needs
a food source, here’s another picture that someone discovered in the Curiosity
rover’s archives. Yes, it looks
amazingly like a Mars Mouse.
Fellicite the astro-cat
Finally, there is the story of the cats
who actually did go into space. I didn’t
know about this until recently, but apparently the French launched a couple of
cats into space in the 1960s. From a
NASA site:
On October 18,
1963, French scientists launched the first cat into space on a Veronique AGI
sounding rocket No. 47. The cat, named Félicette, was successfully retrieved
after a parachute descent, but a second feline flight on October 24 ran into
difficulties that prevented recovery.
So there you have it – a comprehensive
list of cat related lore concerning the sciences of astrophysics, astronomy and
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Kati of Terra Book 3, print on demand version
We hit the publish button last night, but it can take a day or two for it to be up on Amazon. We will put up a link a bit later. It is also available from the Createspace store.
Friday, 19 September 2014
A Conversation with Helena Puumala, author of the Kati of Terra Series - Cats in Science Fiction
Conversation with Helena Puumala, author of the Kati of Terra Series
4, 2014 Garneau Pub, Edmonton, Alberta
Part Seventeen
– Cats and Science Fiction
Question: We have
long wanted to do a conversation about cats and Science Fiction, and just generally
about cats in fiction. This is highly
appropriate for an internet blog, since as we all know, the internet is made of
But, in addition to
these general considerations, an even better motivator is that your children’s
story “The Summer Cottage Mystery – A Children’s Story” , which
prominently features a lost kitten, made #1 in and over
the Labour Day long weekend.
Answer (Helena): Yes,
that was nice, though I wouldn’t want to go overboard about it, since it was a
couple of niche children’s categories and it was a “free days” promotion.
Question: Well,
it was a mix of free downloads, Kindle Unlimited borrows, and later sales. And it’s not easy to get people’s attention,
even with “free”, as every blogger knows.
To be precise about the categories, they were:
Children’s Books/Mysteries and
Children’s Books/Mysteries and
Answer (Helena): Well,
thanks for the ego boost.
Question: It’s
all part of the job. By the way, you
have featured a cat as a major character in your Witches’ Stones SF
series. Cats (the felines) also play a
minor role in the Kati of Terra series. We
will talk about all that a little later, after discussing cat tropes in Science
Fiction, and see where your “Green Cat” alien of Witches’ Stones and the
felines of Kati of Terra fit in. But
first, let’s talk about the cats that we have known and loved (or feared) in
popular SF. That way, we can discuss the symbolic
importance of cats to the SF genre by talking about particular cases.
To begin, let’s go to that semi-infinite well of SF lore
known as Star Trek. Any thoughts?
Answer (Helena): I
guess the first use of cats in Star Trek that comes to my mind, is in the final
episode of the original series. In that
one, Kirk and Spock have to stop the launch of an orbital nuclear weapons
platform during the 1960s cold war, that endangers the future of the Earth. But the meet an agent, Gary Seven, who is on
an identical mission. The key element
here is that Gary Seven has a peculiar cat he calls Isis.
Question: Isis
was the goddess of fertility in ancient Egypt, if I recall correctly. Cats were very important in ancient Egypt and
Isis was a key figure in their mythology. So, that’s an obvious hint to the cat
symbolism of in the episode.
Answer (Helena): Yes,
it is never shown on screen, but it’s pretty clear that Isis the cat and a
beautiful woman who also appears in the episode are one and the same. It also seems clear that she and Gary Seven
are romantically involved.
Question: Yes,
she is shown to be jealous of the other female character in the story, who was
played by a young Terri Garr. That was
an unforgettable performance, by the way.
Answer (Helena): Well,
a young Terri Garr would have that effect on you. At any rate, the symbolism here seems to
involve the intrinsic mystery of cats, as well as their (usually) feminine
nature and sexual overtones. Part of the
cats’ mysterious nature is portrayed by the character’s apparent ability to
shape shift or appear out of nowhere. Cats have a way of suddenly showing up in
the real world, too. And the fact that
the cat shapes shifts into a beautiful woman conforms to the stereotype of the
cat being associated with the feminine principle. It’s not often that you see tom cats in these
Question: I can think of at least one case where the
cat may be more representative of male sexuality. That’s the scene in the movie “Forbidden
Planet” where the captain is coming on to the very fetching virginal daughter
of the “mad scientist” whom the space craft crew discover on the planet. His attempted seduction is interrupted by the
attack of a protective big cat, a panther or cougar I think. It seems that the cat’s function is to
protect the innocent young woman’s sexual purity, to forestall the seduction,
which seems like a male role. It’s a
late 1950’s movie, so I suppose protecting a young woman’s purity was a major
preoccupation of the era.
Answer (Helena): I
think perhaps the big cat is meant to be a psychological manifestation in the
real world, a reification of the libido or the super-ego perhaps, protecting
the ego from the drives of the id. The
movie seemed to have a lot of Freudian theory baked into it.
Question: So, is the cat symbolic of a male or
female principle in this case? Does it
represent a sort of father figure, protecting the woman? Or is it a female energy that the woman herself
calls up, to maintain her “honour”?
Answer (Helena): It
all depends whether you see this through a Freudian or Jungian lens. In Freudian terms, the jealous or protective
male energy seems likely. In Jungian
terms, you could go with either the shadow of the animus.
Question: Expand on that a bit.
Answer (Helena): The
animus is supposed to be the male psychic counterpart of a woman - the inner
man. The shadow is the “less good” part
of the person, usually thought to be the same gender as the person in question. Either way, the scene in the movie seems to
involve protecting the young woman from becoming a sexual being, sexually
active. I suppose any creature could
have been used in this role, but the cat’s association with sexuality makes it
a natural.
Question: And, for the record, the captain kills the
cat with his laser pistol, but also snaps out of the intended
seduction. Make of that, what you will.
Answer (Helena): Sounds
like a perfect 1950’s resolution to the problem.
Question: OK, getting back to Star Trek, I want to
mention the Catspaw episode, which I always think of as a Halloween
episode. In that one, an alien from
another galaxy presents herself as a cat, and also transforms her male partner
into a giant cat, that threatens the landing party. How’s that for confusing sexual symbolism?
Answer (Helena): Yes,
very confusing. But, if I recall
correctly, this alien wants to destroy, to take over the galaxy. So, in addition to the sexual symbolism of
the cat, we have the trope that an evil impulse lurks in the mind of the
cat. That harkens to the notion of that
cat as the familiar of evil forces or as evil itself.
Question: And the
cat wants to rule the universe. What cat
owner hasn’t felt that way, from time to time.
Answer (Helena): Here’s
a final example of cats and SF from Star Trek.
This example is much more benign than the others. Data and his cat, Spot.
Question: Of
course. I would say that Spot was a kind
of teacher for Data.
Answer (Helena): Spot
was also a kind of antithesis of Data.
Data was logic, Spot was emotion.
Data was mechanical, Spot was the very essence of organic creature-hood,
a cat. Data was an analyst and a
planner, Spot was instinctive and reactive.
Data recognized that, and in a sense, learned a lot about being human
from Spot. Which is to say, Spot helped
him learn more about the creaturely side of our nature.
Question: Ok, so
much for Star Trek. How about another SF
series that very prominently featured a cat, or at least a sort of cat-human
Answer (Helena): That
would be the cat-human in Red Dwarf, who descended a pet house cat.
Question: In fact
a whole species of intelligent (but not very intelligent) cats evolved from
Lister’s cat Frankenstein. That was a lot
of fun, but perhaps not very profound.
Answer (Helena): Maybe
not, but it did play upon some of our other stereotypes about cats.
Question: Preening,
arrogant and narcissistic. That’s what
you mean, right?
Answer (Helena): And
I will just add the contradictory qualities shared by Red Dwarf’s “The Cat” and
our companion animal “the cat”:
Stupid, yet somehow sly and smart.
Brave, yet often cowardly.
Confident, but also very shy.
Sociable, but also very independent and
Cats are a contradiction, which is probably a big part of
their attraction for humans.
Question: Let’s
quickly go through a few others. There’s
the final episode of the “Ace” Doctor Who, which featured a sort of Cheetah
people. They hunted down humans and
sometimes transformed them into one of the cheetah species.
Answer (Helena): Yes,
the cat as hunter. That’s fundamental to
its nature. As humans, we are impressed
by that, but also fear it. After all, we
have been hunted by big cats through the ages, and still are occasionally. It makes sense that SF would play upon that
fear, upping the ante by making the hunter cats intelligent as well.
Question: How
about Harry Potter?
Answer (Helena): Crookshank
had a sort of protector role. It kept an
eye out for Voldemort, protecting Harry.
Question: That
makes sense. Cats do protect us, from
mice if nothing else. Though I doubt
Voldemort would be happy being compared to a mouse.
Answer (Helena): And
for those who want to continue the exploration of the subject of Cats in SF,
they might want to look into the books of Andre Norton or CJ Cherry, who
featured cat aliens in several novels.
Question: Let’s
not forget to talk about your own use of cats in Science Fiction. In the
Witches’ Stones series, you feature an alien creature known as “the Green
Cat”. What role does it play?
Answer (Helena): Well,
my Green Cat is intelligent and helpful to the heroine, Sarah MacKenzie. It is highly psychic and helps Sarah develop
her own psychic powers, which are needed in a cold war against a galactic dictatorship
that wants to take over a democratic Earth and it’s alliance. It doesn’t require the amartos or Witches’
Stones to help it amplify its ESP abilities, the way that humans like Sarah
do. So, in this case the Green Cat plays
the helpful friend, mentor and protector role.
In fact, it is not just Sarah’s friend, but the friend of humanity in
Question: The way
cat’s can be, on their good days. And
what about the Kati of Terra series. A
cat species plays a critical but minor role, does it not?
Answer (Helena): Yes,
the felines are the creatures that actually abduct Kati for Earth in the first
book of the series. They are in the
employ of the evil slaver Gorsh, though, hardly masterminds. Just criminals for hire.
Question: Well,
that’s the way cats can be on their bad days.
And for our blog audience, here is a somewhat “Cats in Science Fiction”
themed cartoon, from that storehouse of internet humour,
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
A Portal for Souls - Art Installation by Leona Olausen and partners
A Portal for Souls would be a good title for an SF novel, but in this case it refers to an art installation, based on Celtic mythology, by Leona Olausen and two partners. They won first prize - a decent amount of money in the judged competition and the people's choice in the voting competiton.
Leona is the artist that has done a number of our covers, notably the Kati of Terra and Witches' Stones novels and the short story The Summer Cottage Mystery. Her partners in this were Sharon Fostermoore and Wanda Resek.
Here are some links to the work - to a photo album (12 pics) and a video (about 2 and a half minutes, with some nice soft music accompaning it).!/DodecahedronBooks/photos/a.357246777766193.1073741841.184710518353154/357246791099525/?type=1&theater
Here's Leona's artwork on Kati 1, which I think is a smoking great cover, and lots of people seem to agree.
She also has work on Seeme and other art sites, such as Visual Arts of Alberta.
Leona is the artist that has done a number of our covers, notably the Kati of Terra and Witches' Stones novels and the short story The Summer Cottage Mystery. Her partners in this were Sharon Fostermoore and Wanda Resek.
Here are some links to the work - to a photo album (12 pics) and a video (about 2 and a half minutes, with some nice soft music accompaning it).!/DodecahedronBooks/photos/a.357246777766193.1073741841.184710518353154/357246791099525/?type=1&theater
Here's Leona's artwork on Kati 1, which I think is a smoking great cover, and lots of people seem to agree.
She also has work on Seeme and other art sites, such as Visual Arts of Alberta.
Monday, 15 September 2014
Regarding Cats and the Japanese Culture (and possibley book sales)
A blog or two back, I
noted that our story “The Summer Cottage Mystery- A Children’s Story” did
surprisingly well in Japan. The story
centers around some “child detectives” search for a lost cat, so I speculated that
the success in Japan might have something to do with cats and Japanese
culture. Mostly, I was just
extrapolating from the “Hello Kitty” phenomenon.
But, a couple of days
ago, the Globe and Mail Report on Business had the following sidebar story, set
within a larger article about casinos, gambling and Japan:
Beckoning cat
Saturday, September 13, 2014
John Sopinski
Maneki-neko or "beckoning cat" figurines
are good luck charms found in homes and businesses throughout Japan.
Usually taking the form of a calico cat, it calls
out to customers, visitors and passersby with an upraised paw. There is some
debate as to the significance of which paw is raised.
Likewise, there is much uncertainty as to the lucky
cat's origins but most likely it dates back to sometime during the Edo period
(1603-1868). Maneki-neko are often seen wearing a gold medallion representing a
coin from the Edo period, with the inscription noting its value, 10 million
The medallion reinforces the notion of good fortune
or wealth.
So, the
positive associations with cats go back a long way in Japanese culture.
Friday, 12 September 2014
Anatomy of a Successful Amazon Promotion (Part 2 - Covers)
As noted in an earlier blog, we had Helena Puumala’s
story “The Summer Cottage Mystery - A Children’s Story” on KDP Select’s “free
days” promotion over the Labor Day weekend.
In other words, the story was available for free download from Thursday
August 27 to Monday Sept 1, 2014. It
turned out to be quite a successful promotion - by Labor Day, it was Number 1
or Number 2 in two categories, on both (the U.S. store) and
Amazon.UK (the British Store):
Children’s Books/Mysteries and
Children’s Books/Animals/Cats
In an earlier blog, I looked at the trend in sales over
that period by day and by Amazon store (geography). The two main points were:
You won’t necessarily see a nice linear trend
in sales/downloads. Things can stay
stable for a few days, then take off. Momentum
builds on itself - nothing succeeds like success.
It’s not easy to hit really big numbers
without the help of the U.S. market.
However, the smaller markets can foreshadow later progress in the bigger
markets. That’s even true of markets outside the English speaking world.
In this blog, I will look a couple of the main factors
that might have caused the positive reception for the books, especially two that
are widely thought to be influential – cover and title.
Covers and Titles (Children’s Books/Animals/Cats)
The strip of images below shows
some representative covers in the category Children’s Books/Mysteries and
Detectives/Animals/Cats. I decided not
to simply use the top 5 books, as they all related to the same series
(“Warriors” – I guess it is a cat thing).
It seems clear that having an image of a cat is very
common in this category – no surprise.
In a couple of cases the cat image was small, once overshadowed by a dog
and once a bit too small to be clearly made out. The Summer-Cottage Mystery cover’s cat is
very prominent and, in fact, is the only image on the cover. The others tend to be quite a bit busier. So, in this category, having a strong,
eye-catching cat image seems to have been very helpful.
In the matter of fonts, there is quite a variety. Many of these are “fat fonts”, which are
meant to appeal to a younger child, I suppose.
There is also a lot of curviness to these fonts, arcing across the page
and so forth. The Summer-Cottage Mystery
cover’s font was Times New Roman. That
seems to go against the grain, in this case, though it worked, as plenty of
people downloaded the book or bought it.
It is possible that a more grown-up font may have attracted a parent’s
eye, or might have attracted a child’s interest as being different.
The other main visual element is colour. Most of the covers went in for lots of
colour, primarily pastels or earth tones.
I imagine the idea is that those are soothing colours that would appeal
to kids. The Summer-Cottage Mystery
cover’s colours were very muted, if not to say black and white. Again, that goes against convention, though
it worked. Once more, it could have been
a case of a different visual style standing out and attracting attention.
The cat on The Summer-Cottage Mystery cover was fairly
naturalistically rendered, though it did come from a drawing (by our artist,
Leona Olausen). The others were done in
more of a cartoon style.
So, the upshot seems to be that The Summer-Cottage
Mystery went along with the cat image, but deviated in the matter of font,
colour, image style and general business.
So, perhaps it was a matter of being similar enough to fit into the
important genre trope, but different enough to stand out.
In terms of the title, there was a tendency to use the
word “cat” or some variation (3 of five books).
We didn’t use that, but the cat image was probably good enough to put
the idea across, that this book involves a cat in some way. It is possible that the sub-title “A
Children’s Story” was helpful, to ensure that prospective readers (children and
parents) were aware that this mystery would not be violent or very scary.
(Children’s Books/Mysteries and Detectives/Detectives)
Once again, I decided against using a selection from the
top 10, as they were dominated by a few series (especially Nancy Drew and Hardy
Boys - some things never change). The selection below are drawn
from a bit further down the rankings, though still quite high.
The first thing that strikes one, is that the images in
this category appear to be intended for an older audience. Whereas the cat book covers seem to be
directed at the pre-school to mid-elementary market, these pictures look like
they are intended for a later elementary to junior high crowd.
In this group, the Summer-Cottage Mystery also stands out,
as quite different from the rest. The
other covers have fairly complex, somewhat photo-realistic artwork. They are more likely to feature people and
landscapes. Perhaps the saving grace of
our cat image in this bunch is that it too is fairly photo-realistic, and
therefore can appeal to this slightly older demographic.
These covers also tend to portray an element of
mystery. The cat picture actually does
this as well, when seen closer up – it started off as a witch’s cat on an SF
cover for a book directed at grown-ups.
We didn’t use the cat for that cover at the time – that was probably a
mistake – I didn’t realize the power of cats, especially in the on-line world J.
The Times New Roman font probably also helps to position
the cover to be acceptable to an older child.
It appears that covers meant to appeal to this group are transitioning
from the cartoonish fonts to more staid, traditional fonts.
Similarly with the colours. Generally they are fairly muted in these
covers, so the grey background and the black and white cat don’t necessarily
seem out of place.
The titles generally telegraphed something of the content
of the stories. The term “Mystery” was
on three books (including ours), while one of the others used the term “caper”
and another used the term “code name”.
Only “Summer in the Woods” departed from that tendency.
In summary, the Summer-Cottage Mystery cover appears to
have resonated with viewers in both the “Cats” and “Detectives”
categories. It seems to have hit some
tropes of each category, but also was sufficiently counter to some other tropes
to stand out, catch the eye and make the potential reader curious. This was just fortuitous – certainly not
planned. To be honest, I put the cover
together fairly quickly, without a lot of thinking, going by instinct. Perhaps that’s just the way these things work
out, much of the time.
And now for note of caution. As a data analyst, I am trained to be
somewhat leery of studies that are:
That just means “after the fact”.
It’s easy to see patterns that explain something that has already
happened. It’s better if you form
hypothesis before the experiment or observational study, then test them to see
how well they conformed to reality.
Are not quantitative. It is difficult to measure things like artistic style or emotional tone
with numbers, so these results are a bit vague and speculative (qualitative
data is another term used for this).
that being said, life is often messy, imprecise and qualitative (especially in
the domains of literature and fiction), so we have to do our best with the data
we have.
And here's a link to the book :):
children's fiction,
Monday, 8 September 2014
Kati of Terra Book 3 - Print on Demand proof now being reviewed, and a bit of advice.
After a few tries, we finally got the Kati 3 cover to be accepted by Createspace. It's an interesting to see what a small change can do, and worth keeping in mind for anyone who is working on a print on demand (POD).
Here's a version that was rejected:
Here's a version that was accepted:
It was just a matter of moving the "Dodecahedron Books" text up from near the bottom of the page, to the bottom right hand corner. CreateSpace is touchy about things being near the edge of the page. The latter cover is supposed to have a better scanning flow, as well (i.e. from NW to SE, which is the way English speakers read).
There is still some proof-reading of the text to do, before releasing it.
Here's a version that was rejected:
Here's a version that was accepted:
It was just a matter of moving the "Dodecahedron Books" text up from near the bottom of the page, to the bottom right hand corner. CreateSpace is touchy about things being near the edge of the page. The latter cover is supposed to have a better scanning flow, as well (i.e. from NW to SE, which is the way English speakers read).
There is still some proof-reading of the text to do, before releasing it.
Friday, 5 September 2014
Anatomy of a Successful Amazon Promotion (Part 1)
We had Helena Puumala’s story “The Summer Cottage Mystery
- A Children’s Story” on KDP Select’s “free days” promotion over the Labor Day
weekend (often spelled Labour Day in Canada J). In other words, the story was available for
free download from Thursday August 27 to Monday Sept 1, 2014. It turned out to be quite a successful
promotion - by Labor Day, it was Number 1 or Number 2 in two categories, on
both (the U.S. store) and Amazon.UK (the British Store):
Children’s Books/Mysteries and
Children’s Books/Mysteries and
I suspect it was also Number 1 in these categories on the
Japanese store (of English-language books, that is), though I can’t read
Japanese characters, so I can’t be certain.
I think it probably did ok on the Canadian site as well, though I didn’t
actually check.
How many copies did we move? Well, suffice to say that these are fairly
niche categories, so a number in the several hundred range will do the
trick. Most of those were free
downloads, though a small percentage were Kindle Unlimited customers, so those
should fetch some money. The rest are,
as they say, name exposure and future sales (with a little luck and a lot of
continuing hard work).
Hitting number one in a couple of Children’s Books
categories is also a pretty good ego boost, and that’s good for the writer’s motivation. It also constitutes a form of validation or
social proof to others, either those that you know personally or to the wider
world (via blogs like this for example J). For those of us that aren’t traditionally
published, or aren’t traditional publishers, that can be useful. So, it is probably a good idea to keep a
screenshot or two of your number one ranking.
We are hoping this may also pay off in a month or two,
when we release another children’s book, this one a fantasy, complete with
wonderful, whimsical drawings (Nathan’s Adventures in the Other-Other Land,
also by Helena Puumala, with art work by Jordan Lange).
As a data analyst (day job), I can’t pass up the
opportunity to slice and dice the data and throw in a few graphs. Others may find this helpful in interpreting
their own experiences, past, present or future.
I suspect the day-to-day sales patterns and country-by-country patterns
are probably fairly universal. So, below
I will look at some of the results that I found most interesting.
Please note: in this blog I may use the terms sales,
downloads or sales/downloads interchangeably.
I expect the general tendencies across time and geography will apply
regardless of whether these are free promotion or paid sales.
Sales Pattern
The chart shows a number of interesting things. Here’s how to read it:
The horizontal axis shows the Day of the
Sale, going forward in time from left to right.
The vertical Axis shows the Percentage of
Total Sales on that day and from each country.
The coloured regions show the sales for each
country, all stacked on each other.
Later on we will look at each country separately, since it isn’t always
easy to see detailed in trends in this sort of stacked area graph.
One of the main overall points, is that the sales didn’t
rise steadily each day. In fact, Day 2
was slightly under Day 1. Day 3
marginally beat out Day 1, and sales really started to take off on Day 4
(almost double Day 1) then zoomed on Day 5, to be nearly five times the first
day’s sales. Since Amazon limits us to
five free days every 90, we couldn’t take it any further out, to see how long
the trend could go on. Oh well, it was
fun while it lasted.
The other main point that is obvious from the graph is
the dominance of the U.S. market. On Day
5, when sales really took off, U.S. sales accounted for about 70% of that day’s
sales. On Days 2 to 4, U.S. sales
accounted for 45% to 62% of sales. Day 1
actually had the highest proportion of U.S. sales, though at over 90%.
I can see a few conclusions coming from these results:
You won’t necessarily see a nice linear trend
in sales/downloads. Things can stay
stable for a few days, then take off. It
looks as if the momentum builds on itself - at some point nothing succeeds like
success (this seems to apply even in a small niche in the long tail). By the way, in network theory, this is known
as Preferential Attachment Theory.
This probably represents the phenomenon known
as Social Proof - a higher ranking implies higher sales/downloads, which is
often interpreted as a sign of quality because “people must know
something”. As we all know, that’s not
necessarily so (though in this case it is, naturally J).
It’s not easy to hit really big numbers
without the help of the U.S. market. It
is still the big English speaking book market.
That being said, the smaller markets can
foreshadow progress in the bigger markets.
The British and Japanese markets especially seemed to take off before
the U.S. market.
Even markets from outside the English
speaking world can surprise you. We have
always had pretty decent results from the U.K. and Canada, but the Japanese
results were a pleasant surprise.
Naturally, one can’t know the reasons for this success, but a few
speculations come to mind - mostly to do with "Hello Kitty" and the Japanese fondness for cats in general.
Country Sales/Downloads Patterns
The graph below shows the progress of the promotion on a
day by day basis in different Amazon stores around the world. The graph data has been transformed so that
the first day with sales is equal to 100, and each following day is scaled to
that first day. So, if Day 5 is 450 (as
it is for the U.K.), then that means that there were 4.5 times as books
sold/downloaded on Day 5 in that country as there was on Day 1. This is just a way of normalizing the data to
see the trends for each data on the same graph, without the U.S. trends
swamping out the others, due to its preponderant size.
From this graph, it is clear that the story’s popularity
actually began first in the U.K.. Japan
was not far behind. The U.S. only held
its own through the first four days, then took off on Day 5. The same is true for Canada. The OTH category is a miscellaneous one,
combining Germany, Spain and Brazil.
That line just bumps along, indicating that most of the non-English
market’s responses were rather small, in terms of this book.
It is interesting to speculate about this pattern. Did the U.K. sales rise influence the Japan
rise the next day? Then did they both
influence U.S. and Canadian sales a couple days later? Is there cross-talk between the Amazon
stores, so that what happens in one can influence what happens in the others? Or was there some word of mouth in non-Amazon
channels. Or perhaps it just shows that
the story caught on independently in these markets. Taking a bit more of an “edge science”
approach, maybe it an expression of that curious thing we call the collective unconscious.
I suppose the main take-away point from this, is that if
you see a nice response in one country, it could presage similar responses in
other countries. That can even be true
if one of the markets seems like a minor market – e.g. a non-English speaking
market like Japan.
Next blog, I will look at some of the factors that might
have caused the positive reception for the books, especially those that are
widely thought to be influential:
Here are a few references for some of the subjects
touched upon in the blog.
children's fiction,
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